BOROFUSE® in Oil & Gas
Superior wear and corrosion resistanceSolutions Focused
The oil & gas industry has relied on MDC for years to help solve its unique problems in exploration, extraction and processing. A major concern is corrosion in the “sour gas” atmosphere. Materials treated with BOROFUSE offer an excellent solution to “sour gas” exposure corrosion especially when paired with a friction or erosion surface, such as a ball valve. BOROFUSE provides materials with superior friction properties over the original base materials, reducing friction and improving wear and erosion resistance.
A variety of components used in the oil & gas industry are exposed to hostile environments that lead to degradation. Many of these components are manufactured from nickel-based alloys. The BORFUSE process substantially improves the performance of these components, including threaded linear actuators, ball valves and valve seats.
Extended Wear Life
Our boronizing process offers a unique ability to enhance and extend the service life of components used in down-hole drilling operations. The high hardness achieved through the BOROFUSE process is the key value added to typically used materials, providing unmatched resistance against environmental wear.